Energy Transition Symposium

17th IAEE European Energy Conference

21 - 24 September 2022 The American College of Greece

Poster Session

14.00 - 15.00 EEST

Poster Session

Pierce (ACG) | Corridor

1) An assessment of High Efficiency Cogeneration in Italy, based on actual operation data

Authors: Giuseppe Dell’Olio

Presenter: Giuseppe Dell’Olio

GSE Company

2) Adoption of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy by homeowners across three major Dutch cities

Authors: Ardak Akhatova1, Erkinai Derkenbaeva2,3, Eveline van Leeuwen2,3, Solmaria Halleck Vega2, Gert Jan Hofstede2,4 & Lukas Kranzl1

Presenter: Ardak Akhatova

1Technische Universität Wien (TUW), 2Wageningen University and Research (WUR), 3 Amsterdam Institute for
Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS), 4North West University, South Africa

3) Strategies for wide-scale short-term PV forecasting in energy communities

Authors: Nikolaus Houben1, Lennard Visser2, Wilfried van Sark1, Hans Auer1, Amela Ajanovic1 & Reinhard Haas2

Presenter: Nikolaus Houben

1Technische Universität Wien (TUW) 2 Utrecht University

4) Electric Vehicles Smart Charging: Representative Load Profiles Based on Residential Time-Varying Electricity Tariffs and Household Characteristics

Authors: Fabia Miorelli, Ulrich Frey, Hans Christian Gils & Patrick Jochem

Presenter: Fabia Miorelli

Department of Energy Systems Analysis, Institute of Networked Energy Systems, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

5) Analysis of a hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric system

Authors: Dimitrios Kossyvakis1,2, Evangelos Hristoforou1, George Kavvouras3  & Spyridon Koutroumpas1,4

Presenter: Dimitrios Kossyvakis

1Sensors Lab, National TU of Athens, Athens, Greece 2Cablel Hellenic Cables S.A., Athens, Greece 3VINCI ENERGIES/OmexomHellas S.A., Athens, Greece 4Tenagis S.A., Athens, Greece

13.00 - 14.00 EEST

Poster Session

Pierce (ACG) | Corridor

6) «A detailed life cycle assessment study of an intelligent and energy-autonomous greenhouse»

Authors: Εvangelos Ntousakis, Konstantinos Loukakis, Spiros Papaefthimiou

Presenter: Spiros Papaefthimiou

Industrial, Energy and Environmental Systems Lab, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete

7) «Design and Techno-Economic analysis of a hybrid energy system for off-grid areas»

Authors: Nikolaos Samaras and Spiros Papaefthimiou

Presenter: Nikolaos Samaras

Industrial, Energy and Environmental Systems Lab, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete

8) «Development of sustainable processes for CO2 transformation into value-added chemicals by means of renewable H2»

Authors: E. Mandela1, M. Lykaki2, G. Varvoutis1, A. Lampropoulos1, D. Ipsakis2, S. Papaefthimiou2, G. Marnellos1,3, M. Konsolakis2

Presenter: M. Konsolakis

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia 2School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete 3Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute, CERTH

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