Some suggested topics for discussion:
- Energy transition and its implications for SE Europe
- Investment opportunities and technological innovations
- Energy revolutions of the 21st century
- Circular Economy
- How can countries prepare for the new era of global energy transition
- Challenges, investment opportunities and technological innovations in the energy sector
- Policies and measures towards a Europe Energy Roadmap to 2050
- Global and EU climate policy and emission trading schemes
- Mitigation and adaptation measures for global and regional environmental challenges
- Regional geopolitical uncertainty and challenges in gas supply and transportation
- Will alternative fuels (such as CNG, LNG, hydrogen, etc.) help swift from the traditional hydrocarbon fuels in the transportation sector?
- LNG and shale gas: security of supply and potential market developments
- Industrial sector: challenges for the transition to a low-carbon economy
- Geopolitics of energy
- Regional energy supply and security
- Energy related smart grids and their efficient management
- Energy storage developments: the next big revolution
- Smart energy and environmental sensing
- Smart meters and technologically advanced electricity grid options
- Smart cities and their role to emerging energy technologies and consumers' behavior
- Energy efficiency in buildings: EU and regional approaches
- Renewables' penetration in the electricity mix
- Green transportation: how will environmental compliance lead to increased costs
- Ports and airports as energy hubs and prosumers
- Electric vehicles and the future of green transportation
- Behavioral energy economics
- Environmental laws and barriers for their enforcement.
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