IAEE Events

17th IAEE European Energy Conference

21 - 24 September 2022 The American College of Greece

Accommodation Options

The Hellenic Association for Energy Economics has secured discounted accommodation rates for the Conference's participants.

Below is a list of accommodation options for the Conference delegates. If you wish to book your room, please contact the relevant hotel directly by using the hotel contact details listed below. You may visit the hotels' websites (see below) to review their services and make sure that the hotel suits your needs.


Hotel Price How to book
Divani Caravel Hotel (5*)



Rates and rooms are subject to hotel availability at the time of booking.

Crowne Plaza Hotel (5*)

Single Room 150€

Double Room 170€

Accommodation Tax (4€) per day is not included

Send an email to: and mention "IAEE European Conference" or Contact to:+30 2107278000 

Rooms and rates are guaranteed for reservations until 20/08/2022.

The Golden Age Hotel (4*)

Single Room 120€

Double Room 130€

Accommodation Tax (3€) per day is not included 

Send an email to: or Contact to: +30 2107240861 mentioning "IAEE European Conference"

Rates are guaranteed but rooms are subject to hotel availability at the time of booking

Ilisia Hotel (4*)

Single Room 77€

Double Room 87€

Accommodation Tax (3€) per day is not included

Fill in the form and send it via email to:

Rates and rooms are guaranteed for reservations until 31/08/2022

* Breakfast is included at the room rates above.


Student Room Sharing Program

The 17th IAEE European Energy Conference will assist students share a hotel room, in an effort to reduce the lodging expense. If you would like to share a room with another student, please follow the procedure below:

  • Email HAEE at no later than August 28, 2022.
  • The subject line should read "Roommate Request" so that your request can be sorted quickly.
  • Give your name, gender and any qualifications regarding the selection of a roommate.

HAEE will then check its list and put you in contact with someone that is looking for a roommate with similar prerequisites. That person and you will decide whether or not you wish to share a room. If you decide not to share the room with that person, then both of you should contact HAEE to see if we can make a second match.

Please note that HAEE will NOT be involved in booking rooms, paying for rooms or any other hotel lodging details - our only role is to put likely roommates in touch with one another.

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