IAEE Events

17th IAEE European Energy Conference

21 - 24 September 2022 The American College of Greece
The Call for Papers is now closed. Thank you all for your submissions! (Abstracts were due on May 2, 2022).
Authors will be notified by May 30 of their abstract status.

The 17th IAEE European Energy Conference provides an ideal forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the energy sector, thus, it is a great opportunity for academics, researchers, managers, industrial participants and students to share their research findings and knowledge. We encourage all interested parties to join the conference and submit their original, high-quality research.


The conference is intended for:

Academics and scholars working in the fields of energy, natural resources or environmental economics

Policy makers and government officials, international institutions and regulatory agencies

Energy analysts working for local authorities, development agencies, consumer bodies, NGOs

Business leaders and practitioners


Climate change
CCs & CCU methods and solutions
Economics and geopolitics of oil and natural gas
Role of conventional energy sources under low carbon society
Development of LNG markets
Distributed generation under uncertainty
Nuclear energy
Energy sector investment and financing
Efficient use of energy
Renewable energy
Connecting intermittent renewable to grids
Prospects of alternative transport fuels
Energy and emission modeling
Experimental methods and behavioral economics in energy and environmental analysis
Energy access issues


Authors wishing to make paper presentations during the Concurrent Sessions must submit an abstract that briefly describes the research topic to be presented. Poster presentations are also encouraged for a dedicated Poster Session. In either case, abstracts are subject to the same evaluation procedures, general guidelines and topics applied to papers.

All abstracts must include overview, methodology, results, conclusions and references, conforming to the structure outlined in the abstract template. Abstracts are limited to no more than two pages in length.

Regardless of whether a poster or a paper presentation is requested by authors, it is the Conference Organizers’ discretion to decide whether an abstract will be part of the Concurrent or Poster Sessions.

For abstracts submissions please visit: 


Since your extended abstract has been successfully accepted, you are highly encouraged to compile your full paper (optionally) for inclusion in the IAEE Online Proceedings Database. If you wish to submit your paper, please send it in PDF format at writing "Full Paper Submission | Paper Reference ID" in the Subject line.

Final papers are due no later than Monday, July 11, 2022.

Το structure your final paper, follow the instructions below:

1) Though there is no page limit, we encourage you to submit a paper between 15 - 20 pages in length (including all text, diagrams, footnotes, references, tables, etc.)

2) The size of your printed page may be A4 or 8.5" x 11".

3) Leave at least 0.75 inches for your margins at top, left & right – 1 inch margin for bottom. Use a 10 or 11 point font for your type. In general, the type of font is up to you; keep in mind a "readable" type face is desirable (e.g., Arial, Verdana or Times New Roman).

4) Embed all text/graphics/charts/tables/pictures, etc., in your final single electronic file. DO NOT send more than one file containing pieces and/or parts of your paper to be linked together for the online proceedings. Papers will not be published online should fragmented files be received.

a. On the first page of your paper include the following information in this order:

i. Title of paper. (This should be exactly the same as previously provided when uploading your Abstract through HAEE’s online Abstract submission form).
ii. Author(s) & organizational affiliation
iii. Complete contact details for the lead author (Name/Title/ Organization/Address/Phone/Fax/Email)

b. Prepare your paper and proofread TWICE. A high-quality manuscript free of typographical mistakes and errors with good sentence structure is up to you.

5) You must submit your Full Paper in PDF file format – no MS Word Proceedings Papers will be accepted. We suggest that after you have generated your PDF file that you re-read the entire paper to ensure that all tables/graphics/formulas/equations/footnotes, etc. have remained in place and have not been dropped or removed when creating the PDF file.

6) A sample may be found by visiting here:


At least one author of an accepted paper must pay the registration fees and attend the conference to present the paper. The corresponding author submitting the abstract must provide complete contact details—mailing address, phone, fax, e-mail, etc. Authors will be notified by May 30, 2022, of their paper status. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will have until July 11, 2022, to submit their full papers for publication in the conference proceedings (optionally). While multiple submissions by individuals or groups of authors are welcome, the abstract selection process will seek to ensure as broad participation as possible: each speaker is to present only one paper out the conference. No author should submit more than one abstract as its single author. If multiple submissions are accepted, then a different co-author will be required to pay the reduced registration fee and present each paper. Otherwise, authors will be contacted and asked to drop one or more paper(s) for presentation.
Early bird registration fees are due until July 11 and only after the abstract is accepted (notification acceptance email on May 30).   

To register please visit:



Extended Deadline for abstract submission: 2 May 2022

Abstract acceptance notification: 30 May 2022

Deadline for early bird registration: 11 July 2022

Optional final paper submission: 11 July 2022


Organizing Committee

For any queries, please contact us at:
Tel.: +30 210 92 30422

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