11 FEB 2025
Chart of the Month Vol. 32 | "Moving to the Next Phase of E-Mobility"

We are thrilled to announce the release of HAEE’s latest Chart of the Month Volume 32, "Moving to the Next Phase of E-Mobility", that collects and highlights the current trends across the Emobility sector of Greece, Europe and the world, both in terms of market growth and infrastructure planning and needs.

Greece's EV market continues to grow. China dominates EV battery manufacturing, while the EU faces urgent fast-charging infrastructure needs. A "break" in EV sales across Europe highlights the importance of balancing vehicle adoption with charging expansion to sustain the transition to zero-emission mobility.

We are excited to share the latest edition of HAEE’s Chart of the Month!

Click here to view the full publication and join the conversation!

The “Chart of the Month” is a HAEE publication, powered by Deloitte.

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