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Get an Overview of the Day 3 Thematics!

Greece is reforming the energy sector in order to be able to drive decarbonization and foster competitive market. Thus, Energy Transition is a key to fostering multilevel cooperation between Greece and France. In the view of the Green Deal and NECP, Natural Gas is considered as a transitional fuel triggering during the next years major investments in the Greek Natural Gas Sector. Existing gas pipelines will be able to transfer the clean fuels of the future: hydrogen and renewable gases. The challenges and opportunities will be presented and discussed. The recent developments in gas markets in the energy and marine sector will be thoroughly analysed. Unfortunately, and despite the pandemic, 2020 saw the biggest one-year jump in atmospheric methane concentrations on record. Therefore, monitoring methane emissions from space is a powerful lever to track down methane sources and leaks. Climate change drives transformation across economic sectors and proper ESG criteria will boost future and social responsible investments.

We are happy that we have managed to bring together an amazing line-up of speakers.

For the Draft Agenda click below:

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