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HAEE Newsletter

Dear Members and friends of the HAEE,

Only two weeks remain! The 9th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium “Striving for Stability in a Highly Uncertain Energy World” will take place from 22 to 24 May 2024, at the Maroussi Plaza Centre, in Athens, Greece.

Prepare to engage in some of the most stimulating discussions on energy, as the Symposium is set to host a diverse array of thought leaders, government officials, leading companies of the energy sector, as well as top-tier academic figures, who will share their insights and perspectives on critical energy issues.

On top of the above, this year’s Symposium will host some exciting side events:

On Wednesday, 22 May 2024, the research project CHESS (Change Hubs for Ecosystemic Social Solutions) will host an event on the topic of "Energy Investments: Environmental and Economic Implications in Society in the Light of the Energy Transition", with an interactive, interdisciplinary workshop highlighting the challenges of the energy transition and the effects on society as well as the benefits of energy investments through good practices and tools to support investment decisions for energy projects.

On Thursday, 23 May 2024, the Symposium will feature the Innovation Energy Day, where presentations of innovative technologies, breakthrough ideas and visionary projects that will shape the future of energy will be hosted, giving the opportunity to start-ups, spin-offs and innovation hubs to coalesce.

On Friday, 24 May 2024, at 10:30 am, the research project IANOS (IntegrAted SolutioNs for the DecarbOnization and Smartification of Islands), will host a side event on the topic of “Energy Autonomy of the Greek Islands. The Role of Energy Communities”, focusing on the challenges and perspectives of the energy communities and what are the initiatives to support them. You can learn more about the event here: 🔗Invitation.pdf

Don't miss the chance to be part of the must attend event on energy transition.

Registrations are open! Secure your spot now, making sure you benefit from the following:

  • 100% discount for students wishing to attend the Symposium! 👉 Register here.
  • Free admission to the CHESS side event. 👉 Register here.
  • Free admission to the IANOS side event. 👉 Register here.

Special thanks to our Sponsors and Partners


62, Charilaou Trikoupi Str.
Kifissia, 14562
Athens, Greece

Tel: +30 210 92 30 422
E-mail : info@haee.gr

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Hellenic Association for Energy Economics - www.haee.gr