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The new volume of the Chart of the Month is out!

In Volume 26, titled "A Glimpse into the Future Landscape of Gas and Hydrogen", you can take a glimpse into the what the next 10 years will look like for the gas and hydrogen landscape of Europe and Greece.

Overall, gas demand is expected to increase over the next decade, while hydrogen is anticipated to play a pivotal role in the evolving energy system. Based on the public information on projects in development across Europe, a heavy focus is placed on developing gas and hydrogen transmission pipelines.

Greece follows along this trend with 14 out of its 21 projects dedicated to gas and hydrogen transmission pipelines. Moreover, Greece ranks second in terms of under-development projects, with a capital expenditure (CAPEX) of approximately 14.43 billion euros projected for the next decade.

Find out more by visiting our website!

Click here to view the full publication.

The “Chart of the Month” is a HAEE publication, powered by Deloitte.

We wish you an interesting read!

The HAEE Team



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