Chart of the Μonth

Chart of the Month Vol. 26 | "A Glimpse into the Future Landscape of Gas and Hydrogen" | Powered by Deloitte

One of the key highlights of the recently released ENTSOG’s TYNDP is that gas demand is expected to increase over the next decade, while hydrogen is anticipated to play a pivotal role in the evolving energy system. Across the EU27, a substantial focus has been placed on developing gas and hydrogen transmission pipelines, with 174 projects currently in progress. This trend underscores the critical need for infrastructure development to support the energy transition and secure energy supply in the years ahead.

Greece exemplifies this commitment with 14 out of its 21 projects dedicated to gas and hydrogen transmission pipelines. Greece ranks second in terms of under-development projects, with a capital expenditure (CAPEX) of approximately 14.43 billion euros projected for the next decade. This substantial investment highlights Greece's strategic objective to position itself as a key energy hub, facilitating the supply of energy to the rest of Europe.

The “Chart of the Month” is a HAEE publication, powered by Deloitte.

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